Thiessen pol's

Patrick Debels Patrick.Debels at
Mon Jan 29 07:00:00 EST 1996

Hi all

I'm a beginning Grass-user, using GIS for hydrological applications.
I have a raster file of a catchment (0/1 values resp. outside/inside 
catchment) as well as a file with the locations of 3 weather stations 
within this catchment. Out of this, I want to create a raster file in 
which the catchment is divided in 3 areas by means of Thiessen polygons, 
each of the areas having a separate value. Can anyone advise me about
how to carry out this (I suppose(~hope) simple) job? 


| Patrick Debels                                          |
| Laboratory of Hydrology and Water Management            |
| University of Ghent                                     |
| Coupure Links 653               Tel: +32 / 9 / 264 61 37| 
| B 9000 Ghent                    Fax: +32 / 9 / 264 62 36| 
| Belgium                E_mail: pdebels at|

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