contouring in GRASS

Andrew W Ellis ellis at UDel.Edu
Tue Jan 30 07:00:00 EST 1996


I am using r.contour to create a vector contour map from a raster image 
and can not seem to figure out how to label the contour lines. The 
vector map of the contour lines looks great but is not much use with 
labels. Is there an easy way to get labels on the contours without 
determining the coordinates of each line on which I want to place a label 
and using d.labels or labelling procedures in

Additionally, does anyone know if it is possible to move a raster image 
to a new location with a different projection and have the image 
converted into the new projection (i.e. something like v.proj)?

Much thanks in advance,


Andrew W. Ellis                     (302) 831-2344
211 Pearson Hall                    ellis at
Department of Geography
University of Delaware
Newark, DE 19716

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