SGI d.mon "iris" and xgdisplay trouble

Matthew T. Mellon mmellon at
Thu Jan 25 07:00:00 EST 1996

Hello again,

Thanks to all with the advice on d.mon and SG3d.  I got SG3d running all right
(and love it...), but I still have problems with d.mon and the IRIS driver, and
though I have spent many hours on it, cannot run xgdisplay at all.

* Try to run Display Tool (from menu):
        -it appears for a split second, then disappears, so...
        -open GRASS shell, and message box, apparently for Display Tool appears

        "XGRASS DISPLAY LIB ERROR: Not enough colors available. Make more avail
        able before starting again."

        -I don't quite know what to do about that.
         The machine is an IRIS Indigo, and has lots of color normally...?

* Using IRIS display driver:
        -I've uncommented the one iris line in the monitorcap file, and it
         appears below -- with just "iris", no "i0,i1,i2,...,i6" and I don't
         see how I can just add them, since iris refers to fifo.11a and fifo.11
         whereas "x0, .... x7" refer to several sets of fifo.* pairs.  Do I hav
         the fifo.* for the i0 through i6?

        -I added "iris" and "CELL" to the d.mon text file in the XCLIP dir. Now
         when I select "iris" it starts, is about a 1 inch square, I resize itt
about a 6 inch square, try to display a raster map, and get a "Error 
         setting map window" message.  Once, I tried to select a file with 
         xgbrowser in d.rast and XGRASS crashed (leaving a segmentation fault 
         msg. in my console from which I had started it).
         -Do you have the fifo's needed for "i0, etc" for the iris driver?
         -Could you mail me your d.mon from xclip and your monitorcap files if
you have this working without hitches?
          I would really be grateful!

* Good news:  I did get SG3d running, and am indeed impressed.  Thanks.

Thank you in advance.  I saw sample output from xgdisplay on the GRASS page,
and am really looking forward to get it working.  We don't have a printer, so
all of my printing has to be done to a ps file.


Matthew T. Mellon

Department of Geology
University of Pennsylvania
Room 251 Hayden Hall
240 S. 33rd St.
Philadelphia, PA
mmellon at

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