Problems importing USGS DEMs with m.dem.extract

Gordon Dewis gordon at
Thu Jan 25 07:00:00 EST 1996

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Hi all...

I'm having problems importing the following 1:250000 (1 degree) USGS DEMs 
which I obtained from their FTP site:

When I examine the files using m.dem.examine, the coordinates reported 
are (for Buffalo-e):    N 154800
                        E 0
                        S 151200
                        W -284400

In a UTM coordinate system, this places the DEM about 150 km north of the 
equator.  (The study area is between 42 N and 44 N and 78 W and 80 W.)

The specifications for a USGS DEM say the coordinates in the header of the
DEM are in arc-seconds.  No problem... I would assume that m.dem.extract
will make the appropraite conversions, but that doesn't appear to 
be the case.

I have tried using UTM and Lat/Lon coordinate systems and neither system 
worked.  I've selected wgs72 for the spheroid as that is the spheroid 
specified by the USGS.

Could someone point me in the right direction?

I'm running GRASS 4.1 on a Linux box.  This is my first attempt to use 
GRASS, though I've been messing around with it for a few months.

Thanks in advance :)


  Gordon Dewis             |  WWW Virtual Library Geography Section is now at:
  4th year Geography Hons  |
  Carleton University      | Sysadmin

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