questions about GRASS

Evaristo QUIROGA evaristo at
Wed Jan 24 07:00:00 EST 1996

< Dear Sirs, 
< I'm a new GRASS user, I've just started using it in a Linux environment.
< I have some questions for you. The first one is: how can one import raster
< files output from scanners (i.e. in such formats as TIFF, RLC and so on) ?
< The second questions is: how can one import 3-d DXF files (I mean, XYZ data) 
< And finally, how can I get the RIM software package ?
< I'd greatly appreciate any suggestions on the above.
< Gratefully,
< Michele Carta
< Address:
< via della Potara 28
< 36015 Schio (VI)
< Italy

        Dear Michele,

First, you can import a raster file output from scanners with the raster
import commands :,, or Later you
will want to use this image in real coordinates, for this you have to register
it. For this look the Jim Hinthorne comments posted the 15 Feb 1995:

-  Get the GRASS Image Processing Tutorial from the moon server, and pay close 
-  attention to the section on rectification/georeferencing. If you have a lot 
-  of control points, i.rectify2 does a very nice job, otherwise use i.rectify.
-  The general sequence of events is:
-  1. start grass4.1 and create or verify that you have a mapset in the 
-   location with the desired final coordinates. exit grass.
-  2. start grass4.1 and create or use a location with an x-y coordinate system
-  3. import the images into the cell directory in this x-y mapset.
-  4. build header files using and be sure the images display ok.
-  5. run and put your "co-registered" bands into a group.
-  6. run and specify the destination location and mapset--must be on 
-   same disk as x-y location.
-  7. run i.points and specify the control points (this can take much time and 
-   reading of manual pages and tutorial.
-  8. run i.rectify or i.rectify2
-  9. exit grass and reenter grass4.1 in the destination location and mapset 
-   and check the quality of the registration.

Second question: If you want import the Z coordinates of POLYLINEs (contour
and isolines types) of 3d-DXF files, you can run the program "" in
conjunction with "" and "". I have put this program to the
"moon" server the last month.

Finally, the RIM package is in the "src.related" directory of the grass 
source distribution.


       __                                                      __
      / /          Evaristo QUIROGA RAIMUNDEZ                 / /
  ___/ /                                                  ___/ /
 /    /                                                  /    /
/    /          UNIVERSIDAD AUTONOMA DE BARCELONA       /    /
\__/\\    Gabinete de Analisis Territorial y Ambiental  \__/\\
     \\__ Unidad de Geodinamica Externa y Hidrogeologia      \\__
     /  /\                 Edificio CS                       /  /\
     \ / /\       08193 - Bellaterra (BARCELONA)             \ / /\
      \ /  \               SPAIN                              \ /  \
       \___/        email: evaristo at               \___/

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