How to import DLG data in optional format
Louis Clarke
lclarke at
Tue Jan 9 07:00:00 EST 1996
You need to do some modifications to each of these 8 files before you can
use v.patch and have a complete quad.
I have only worked with 1:100,000 DLG quads from USGS and from the file
names it appears that is what you are working with also. First you must add
record deliminators to each file, so at the % prompt in unix:
%dd if=AU.BDF01.opt of=AU.BDF01d.opt ibs=8000 cbs=80 conv=unblock
Relocate file to dlg subdirectory of your mapset:
%mv AU.BDF01d.opt /grass/MAPSET/dlg/AU.BDF01d.opt
Start GRASS at the % prompt:
and after accepting mapset
grass> -l input=AU.BDF01.opt output=featurename.01
this command gave precedence to line data as opposed to area (good for
linear data), and places GRASS vector file in dig subdirectory
featurename.01 (is the vector file)
1 (select to build topology)
N (do not snap points)
this command has created the support files needed to use v.digit to
remove the Neatlines.
[I remember some discussion on this list about a quick way to remove the
Neatlines. I only know how to remove the Neatline one piece at a time
using v.digit]
grass>d.mon start=x0
featurename.01 (file is displayed on the black mon)
E (begins edit session)
r (begins remove line session - move the mouse and press the left button
when positioned above the line (selected line changes to yellow), if
this is the correct line to remove, press the right mouse button,
otherwise select a different line. Continue until you have removed
all the lines you wish to remove, then press the middle button (while
mouse is positioned in the monitor) to quit the removal line session.
Position the mouse in the text window and:
q (quit edit session)
Q (save changes and Quit v.digit)
You can now display the vector file as a GRASS layer.
You can also use v.patch to add all the vectors into one layer
I hope this helps.
Louis Clarke U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
lclarke at Albuquerque District
voice (505)254-3281 Regulatory Branch
FAX (505)254-3498
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