Call for Papers, Marine and Coastal GIS (fwd)

Rongxing Li rli at
Wed Jan 3 07:00:00 EST 1996

> **********************************************************
>                        CALL FOR PAPERS
> **********************************************************
>                        Special Issue on
>      Marine and Coastal Geographical Information Systems
>             International Journal of Marine Geodesy
> The International Journal of Marine Geodesy will publish the 2nd
> special issue on Marine and Coastal Geographical Information
> Systems (M&CGIS) in December 1996. The guest editor will be Dr.
> Rongxing Li of The University of Calgary. This issue will
> contain both invited and contributed articles. Authors are
> especially encouraged to submit manuscripts on the following
> topics:
>       . Policy, legal, and economic issues of M&CGIS
>       . Case studies of GIS in marine and coastal environment
>       . Spatial and temporal issues
>       . Electronic charting / navigation systems
>       . GPS integration and real time processing systems
>       . Processing of data from multiple sources
>       . Modeling and visualization of marine spatial data
> All papers should conform to the submission standards in "
> Instructions to Authors" that regularly appears in the journal.
> Papers should be free from promoting a specific commercial
> product.
> All invited and contributed manuscripts will be peer reviewed.
> Authors who wish to contribute papers for this special issue are
> invited to mail three copies of their manuscripts to:
>               Dr. Rongxing Li
>               Department of Geomatics Engineering
>               The University Drive  N.W
>               Calgary, Alberta
>               Canada T2N 1N4
>               Tel. (403) 220-4112, Fax (403) 284-1980
>               E-mail: rli at
> A copy of the cover letter should be sent to the Editor-In-Chief:
>               Dr. Narendra K. Saxena
>               Department of Civil Engineering
>               University of Hawaii at Manoa
>               2540 Dole Street, Holmes 383
>               Honolulu, HI 96822
>               USA
> All manuscripts must be received by February 15, 1996 in order
> to be considered for publication in this special issue.

| Dr. Rongxing (Ron) Li         |      Tel.   403 220-4112                |
| Dept. Geomatics Engineering   |      Fax.   403 284-1980                |
| The University of Calgary     |      Email                              | 
| Calgary, AB T2N 1N4           |      rli at                |
|   GIS Research Homepage:                  |

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