v.support and DLG format

Bill Brown brown at gis.uiuc.edu
Thu Jul 11 08:00:00 EDT 1996

Putting the empty file in dig_plus should work, but here's a 
more permanent fix:

HTTP REF: http://www.cecer.army.mil/grass/faqtxt1.html#gf_415sup

Fix for 4.1.5 v.support. 

If your GRASS distribution came from the complete 4.1.5 
source code from moon, you could have this bug. 
This bug is NOT present in the CERL binary distributions 
of 4.1.5 NOR in the 4.1.4 -> 4.1.5 updates. 

   1.Replace the file src/mapdev/Vlib/level_two.c with this one. 
   2.rm src/libes/$(LIBARCH)/libvect.a 
   3.cd src/mapdev/Vlib; gmake4.1 
   4.rm $GISBASE/etc/v.build 
   5.cd src/mapdev/v.build; gmake4.1 

- Bill

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