new host name

Mary Martin martin at
Thu Mar 14 07:00:00 EST 1996

CERL systems administrator John Mckeown is moving
the GRASS ftp site is moving to a new machine this afternoon,
and forwards the following note, fyi:
the "moon" ftp site will be moving to a new home later today.
the name will stay the same (, the ip address
will change.  the old ip address was  it will
change to  normally, you should simply use the
name (if possible), as that allows us to move this service to
different machines without interruption in service.  however,
due to vagarities of the domain naming service, for a short time
some of you will continue to get the old ip address when you
attempt to connect using the name.
my apologies for sending this to this list, but it seemed a
relevant audience and i wanted to reach as many people as was
reasonably possible.  thanks.
---- cut here ----
John Mckeown
jrm at

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