Extracting smaller raster images from big ones

Malcolm Williamson malcolm at cast.uark.edu
Thu Oct 10 11:24:52 EDT 1996

Change your region to reflect the geographic boundaries and cell 
resolution that you want, and then use r.resample. Piece of cake!

On Thu, 10 
Oct 1996, Harini Nagendra wrote:

> Help! I don't know if this is an obvious question, but I have been 
> searching the Grass manual and can't find an answer - I have large raster 
> images and want to extract smaller ones from them for the purpose of 
> supervised classification. How do I do this? I have the coords of the 
> smaller images I want. Defining smaller regions doesn't help, since 
> i.class doesn't take a region name, it simply loads the entire image !
> Please help.... I don't want to export to IDRISI, then extract, and then 
> reimport, as that would take rtoo much time.
> Thanks a lot
> Harini
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> | Harini Nagendra               E-MAIL : harini at ces.iisc.ernet.in      |
> | Center for Ecological         PHONE  : 91 80 309 2639 (Hostel: LR-94)|
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> | Indian Institute of Science   FAX    : 91 80 334 1683                |
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