Extracting smaller raster images from big ones

Harini Nagendra harini at ces.iisc.ernet.in
Thu Oct 10 08:00:00 EDT 1996

Help! I don't know if this is an obvious question, but I have been 
searching the Grass manual and can't find an answer - I have large raster 
images and want to extract smaller ones from them for the purpose of 
supervised classification. How do I do this? I have the coords of the 
smaller images I want. Defining smaller regions doesn't help, since 
i.class doesn't take a region name, it simply loads the entire image !
Please help.... I don't want to export to IDRISI, then extract, and then 
reimport, as that would take rtoo much time.
Thanks a lot

| Harini Nagendra               E-MAIL : harini at ces.iisc.ernet.in      |
| Center for Ecological         PHONE  : 91 80 309 2639 (Hostel: LR-94)|
| Sciences                             : 91 80 309 2506 (Department)   |
| Indian Institute of Science   FAX    : 91 80 334 1683                |
| Bangalore 560 012 India       TELEX  : 845 8349 IISc IN              |

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