Annoucement: OpenGIS Symposium (10/21/96) and IPT Task Force Meeting 10/25/96)

Louis Hecht egis at
Wed Oct 2 08:00:00 EDT 1996

This announcement is being cross posted to a number of listserv's.  If you
receive duplicates, I apologize in advance.  Thanks.


On October 21, 1996, the Open GIS Consortium will be holding the
OpenGIS(tm)Symposium.  This is a high level colloquium organized to provide
a technology forum to reach interested technology managers of the status of
the OpenGIS movement and its implications for business development in the
public sector.  While this symposium will be the best way to get informed
on the OGC, it will also provide an overview of the OGC relationship with
the National Imaging and Mapping Agency (NIMA) and the Geospatial
Information IPT.  This relationship will provide industry many future
The Open Symposium is filling up rapidly.  If you have not had the
opportunity to registered for this one half day event please do so at the
earliest possible moment.  You may register by telephone (508) 655-5858,
bye-mail to (register at, or via the WWW at

The NIMA has incorporated Open GIS Consortium processes into the Geospatial
IPT process for geospatial information, and established a Strategic
Membership position in the Consortium.  This membership is consistent with
Consortium multi-track objectives for focusing our technology
specifications on real world, information community, geospatial challenges
while also providing viable business opportunities for our members.  The
Geospatial IPT is the first of several large-scale, multi-opportunity
challenges brought to the consortium.

=46ollowing the acceptance of this new track, work began on a white paper to
document the salient issues needing addressement to ensure this opportunity
is beneficial to the Geospatial IPT process, industry business interests,
and the OpenGIS process. This white paper, which is entitled "Concept of
Operations for OGC Geospatial Information IPT Processes" (CONOPS) captures
the essence of this strategic initiative and defines the mission and
charter of the IPT Management Committee
Subcommittee, and IPT Task Forces which were formed under the Application
Integration Working Group (AIWG) of the OGC.

In addition to mission and charter aspects, the CONOPS sets out the
technical, process and business objectives of the Geospatial IPT Project,
and articulates relevant OGC processes to drive technology specification,
and the means by OGC members can use the project to tailor their R&D and
productization plans.

The CONOPS document serves as the overarching guide for operation of the
OGC/IPT Task Force.  The first meeting of the Task Force is scheduled for
October 25, 1996 at Mitre Corporation in McLean VA.  Registration for the
OGC/IPT Task Force is required.  The CONOPS document, registration, and
additional information about the Task Force can be obtained by visiting the
OGC Website IPT Index Page at (


Louis Hecht


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