elevation and bathymetric data from EDC-DAAC

Venkatesh Raghavan raghavan at media.osaka-cu.ac.jp
Wed Apr 30 06:13:21 EDT 1997

Bart C. Bautista wrote:
> Dear GRASS users,
>       I am new to this newsgroup and I am just in the process
> of planning and studying how to download and install GRASS in my
> LINUX system. I already found a site were I can download the LINUX
> binaries of GRASS. I have been following this news group for already
> 5 months and my impression is that GRASS has still many problems
> and bugs that needs to be fixed and if you are not an expert in
> programming, you will have a lot of frustrating moments. Before I plunge
> into this wonderful world of frustrations, I would like to know if my
> main objective will be met by using GRASS. I recently acquired 30sec X
> 30sec elevation and bathymetric data which I plan to use in my
> reasearch. This data is freely distributed by EDC-DAAC of the USGS. The
> format according to the documentation is readable by ARCINFO. Since I
> can't afford to use this expensive software, I would like to know if
> there is anyone from this group who had experience in reading this type
> of data using GRASS. Thank you in advance to anybody who will answer my
> inquiry.
> Dept. of Earth and Planetery Sciences
> Kyoto University
> Sakyoku, Kyoto 606
Regarding your question about improting ARC-Info data into GRASS, you
use the GRASS v.in.arc function and import the file into the GRASS
My experience of working with GRASS for the last few years has been
rewarding and thanks to this mailing list I could get over several of
initial problems. I think GRASS should be worth your while.
ベンカテッシュ ラガワン			Venkatesh Raghavan
大阪市立大学学術情報総合センター	Media Center, Osaka City Univ.
3ー3ー138杉本住吉区大阪 558	3-3-138 Sugimoto Sumiyoshi-ku, Osaka
mailto:raghavan at media.osaka-cu.ac.jp

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