Compiling GRASS on Linux

Schmidt avenues at
Mon Feb 3 23:34:23 EST 1997

At 08:54 AM 2/3/97 -0500, you wrote:
>Are you using xterm or Openwin cmdtool as the text window?  I always use
xterm and never had such problem.  I do have similar problem with the
cmdtool on SUN
>Solaris 2.3 and haven't tried out on Solaris 2.5 yet.

I'm using xterm as the text window. If I use the Linux-Grass binaries that
you made available at the GRASS ftp site (, the problem
with the text screens disappears. So the problem may be with the way I am

Jim Schmidt
GIS Instructor
Columbia College
Sonora, California
avenues at 

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