postscript output

Malcolm Williamson malcolm at
Mon Feb 10 16:12:17 EST 1997

Hi, David
I assume that your problem is with vector data. What update of GRASS are 
you using? There was a fix to that should solve your problem; I'm 
not sure if it is separately available on the moon or not. If you are 
running pre-Update 5, I suggest getting and installing the latest version 
Malcolm D. Williamson - GIS Specialist           E-mail: malcolm at
Center for Advanced Spatial Technologies      Telephone: (501) 575-6159
Ozark Rm. 12                                        Fax: (501) 575-5218 
University of Arkansas              
Fayetteville, AR 72701

On Mon, 10 Feb 1997, David L. Certain wrote:

> Dear GRASS Users,
> I recently posted a message asking for help with a problem I am having printing 
> a postscript file created with  Thanks to those of you who responded.  
> Progresss is being made.  I now know a little more about my problem and would 
> like you to consider the following situation:  When printing my .ps file using 
> the entire region of my study, my output is jumbled and mostly unrecognizable 
> (e.g. polygons are not closed and are out of place, lines are disjointed, 
> etc.).  As I print from smaller and smaller regions of my study area (using 
> d.zoom to specify a new region and re-running the output gets closer 
> and closer to a coordinated image.  Finally, when I reach a certain region size 
> (scale?) everything comes out juuuuust right.  Why can't I get good output when 
> printing from the whole region?  For those of you that missed my last message 
> it may be important to know that I am using an x,y coordinate system.  Any 
> suggestions would again be greatly appreciated.
> David L. Certain
> Graduate Research Assistant             
> Oklahoma Biological Survey  
> 111 Chesapeake St.
> Norman, OK  73019
> (405)325-7598/fax (405)325-7702
> dcertain at

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