
Joe Leone Joe.Leone at per.dwe.csiro.au
Thu Jul 31 05:20:52 EDT 1997

I am trying to create a mosaic of aerial photos. (Thanks to the people who 
responed to my previous request for help). I went through a test process with 
two photos, and all work well.  

I then went back to do the other 28 photos but am running into problems with 
r.in.tiff.  This is what I did for the test.

I converted the jpeg file to tif using XV. The setting were best 24 -> 8, full 
colour, normal size, and no compression.  I then run r.in.tiff ( down loaded 
from the moon -  r.in.tiff.sun). d.rast displayed the photos

I then converted all the jpeg files , but when I import them with r.in.tiff I 
get a black screen.  There are no errors reported. 

This is the output from r.in.tiff
Reading /export/home/users/joe/gis/data/wheat/airphoto/34525108.tif...TIFF 
Directory at offset 0x163698
  Image Width: 1240 Image Length: 1174
  Resolution: 1200, 1200 pixels/inch
  Bits/Sample: 8
  Compression Scheme: none
  Photometric Interpretation: palette color (RGB from colormap)
  Orientation: row 0 top, col 0 lhs
  Samples/Pixel: 1
  Rows/Strip: 1174
  Planar Configuration: single image plane
  Color Map: (present)
  1 Strips:
      0: [       8,  1455760]
1240x1174x8 image
 8 bits/sample, 1 samples/pixel 
 256 colormapped
 Creating SUPPORT Files for 34525108
Can anybody ofter any help?


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