GRASS to shape files

William A. Perkins wa_perkins at
Fri Jun 6 10:25:20 EDT 1997

>>>>> "Simon" == Simon Cox <simon at> writes:

    Simon> David Mandel wrote:
    >> There is a white paper at describing the
    >> shape file formats in detail, and I have used this paper to write
    >> the beginnings of a library to handle shape files.  In fact, I have
    >> gotten as far as completing two programs:
    >> moss2shape     and     shape2moss
    >> These aren't very interesting in themselves, but they demonstrate the
    >> functionality of the shape library.  Eventually, I want to write dig2shape
    >> and shape2dig, and I want to write programs to reproject shape files.

    Simon> Onya Dave!  Keep up the good work.  I wonder if there 
    Simon> are any other SHAPE libraries around that you could leverage off?
    Simon> -- 
    Simon> __________________________________________________
    Simon> Dr Simon Cox - Australian Geodynamics Cooperative Research Centre
    Simon> CSIRO Exploration & Mining, PO Box 437, Nedlands, WA 6009 Australia
    Simon> T:  +61 8 9389 8421   F:  +61 8 9389 1906   simon at

Evidently this library does exist, and is free. A really nice example
of its use can be found at the Boundary Waters Canoe Wilderness
homepage <>.  In
their FAQ they point to a shape file library at
<>.  I have not used it, but from the looks
of the BWCAW GIS MapServer, it ought to be pretty complete.


Bill Perkins
Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories
Environmental Technologies Division, Hydrology Group
P.O. Box 999 MSIN K9-36
Richland, Washington, USA  99352
voice: (509) 372-6131 fax: (509) 372-6089 email: wa_perkins at

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