Graphics monitor color problems

adavis at adavis at
Mon Mar 17 19:04:06 EST 1997

Is the requirement for 256 color displays hard wired?  Can I recompile it
for other resolutions?  Would this be not an advantage?  

I am planning to build a system, one major purpose for which is to run

On Mar 17, Malcolm Williamson wrote
> Brian,
> The GRASS Xdriver only works with 256 color displays. Make sure that your 
 Alan Eugene Davis      Marianas High School      15o 8.8'N       GMT+10        
 adavis at      AAA 196 Box 10,001        145o 42.5'E             
                        Saipan, MP  96950                        
                        Northern Mariana Islands       

"An inviscid theory of flow renders the screw useless, but the need
for one nonexistent."            ------ Lord Raleigh

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