problem compiling grass

Peter Kuppelwieser peter at
Mon Sep 22 08:33:54 EDT 1997

Hello GRASS Freaks!

I am new with grass
and would like to try it

I have downloaded the linux binary but it did not work on my system
because of some library

So I tried this one:

I just installed the Source 4.1.5 on my linux box (Redhat 4.2
Distribution for Intel)

And tried to compile it myself.

I got some warnings with libm
and following fatal error:

OBJ.linux/main.o: In function `yyerror':
OBJ.linux/main.o(.text+0x9c): undefined reference to `yylineno'
make: *** [/mnt/daten/local/grass/etc/bin/main/cmd/r.binfer] Error 1
GISGEN failure at STEP: src/raster/r.binfer        

Any Idea?

By the way, Is there a rule to do a "make clean" ?

Thank you,

Peter Kuppelwieser.

my head file is:

CC                  = cc
ARCH                = linux

GISBASE             = /mnt/daten/local/grass
UNIX_BIN            = /usr/local/bin

DEFAULT_DATABASE    = /usr/local/gisbase

COMPILE_FLAGS       = -O -m486
LDFLAGS             = -s

XCFLAGS             = -D_NO_PROTO
XLDFLAGS            =
XINCPATH            =
XMINCPATH           =
XLIBPATH            = -L/usr/X11R6/lib
XTLIBPATH           = -L/usr/lib
XMLIBPATH           = -L/usr/lib
XLIB                = -lX11
XTLIB               = -lXt
XMLIB               = -lXm
XEXTRALIBS          =

TERMLIB             = -ltermcap
CURSES              = -lncurses $(TERMLIB)
MATHLIB             = -lm

#                   LIBRULE = ar ruv $@ $?
#                   LIBRULE = ar ruv $@ $?; ranlib $@
#                   LIBRULE = ar ruv $@ $?; ar ts $@
#                   LIBRULE = ar rc $@ `lorder $(OBJ) | tsort`
LIBRULE             = ar ruv $@ $?

USE_MTIO            = -DUSE_MTIO

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