Importing ArcInfo files

Stephan Eickschen eicksch at
Wed Aug 19 03:45:14 EDT 1998

Hi all,

I have downloaded some data from the Antarctic Digital Database
( They are
supposed to be ArcInfo files containing coastlines, surface featuers
and so on. But I really do not know how to import them into GRASS. I
attach the reult of
head *.e00 >! ADD.ArcInfo.files
If someone needs the complete file(s), please feel free to look at
There you will find all of them.

Any suggestion will be highly appriciated,



Stephan Eickschen                     Tel. : +49 (0)251 83-34704
Westfaelische Wilhelms-Universitaet   Fax. : +49 (0)251 83-36100
Institute for Geophysics
Research Unit of Physical Glaciology  email: eicksch at
Corrensstrasse 24
48149 Muenster

-------------- next part --------------
==> coast00.e00 <==
EXP  0 /LOCAL1/DATA/BSMAPS/ADD/CARTO/SCALE0/SR29_30/COAST00.E00                 
ARC  2
         1-999999999         1         2         1         2         2
-4.9950791E+05 2.3500000E+06 0.0000000E+00 2.3500000E+06
         2-999999999         3         2         2         1        29
 0.0000000E+00 2.2290530E+06 0.0000000E+00 2.2304160E+06
 0.0000000E+00 2.2348970E+06 0.0000000E+00 2.2393780E+06
 0.0000000E+00 2.2438600E+06 0.0000000E+00 2.2483420E+06
 0.0000000E+00 2.2528240E+06 0.0000000E+00 2.2573070E+06
 0.0000000E+00 2.2617910E+06 0.0000000E+00 2.2662760E+06

==> cont00.e00 <==
EXP  0 /LOCAL1/DATA/BSMAPS/ADD/CARTO/SCALE0/SR29_30/CONT00.E00                  
ARC  2
         1         1       666       666         0         0         7
-1.0512750E+05 2.0463910E+06-1.0516720E+05 2.0464340E+06
-1.0526590E+05 2.0463610E+06-1.0525150E+05 2.0463110E+06
-1.0517540E+05 2.0463130E+06-1.0511980E+05 2.0463600E+06
-1.0512750E+05 2.0463910E+06
         2         2         7         6         0         0        11
-1.5344000E+05 2.0384920E+06-1.5349930E+05 2.0385250E+06
-1.5355770E+05 2.0385410E+06-1.5366391E+05 2.0386100E+06

==> elevn00.e00 <==
EXP  0 /LOCAL1/DATA/BSMAPS/ADD/CARTO/SCALE0/SR29_30/ELEVN00.E00                 
LAB  2
     14655         0-4.5259441E+04 2.0731460E+06
-4.5259441E+04 2.0731460E+06-4.5259441E+04 2.0731460E+06
     14631         0-1.4422070E+04 2.0700910E+06
-1.4422070E+04 2.0700910E+06-1.4422070E+04 2.0700910E+06
     14630         0-9.4989424E+03 2.0589660E+06
-9.4989424E+03 2.0589660E+06-9.4989424E+03 2.0589660E+06
     14632         0-9.5950453E+04 2.0488880E+06
-9.5950453E+04 2.0488880E+06-9.5950453E+04 2.0488880E+06

==> gflow00.e00 <==
EXP  0 /LOCAL1/DATA/BSMAPS/ADD/CARTO/SCALE0/SR29_30/GFLOW00.E00                 
ARC  2
         1      3157       108       109         0         0        54
-2.2231580E+05 2.0378300E+06-2.2241420E+05 2.0376390E+06
-2.2251650E+05 2.0373910E+06-2.2255459E+05 2.0372530E+06
-2.2273950E+05 2.0370390E+06-2.2283391E+05 2.0369040E+06
-2.2295059E+05 2.0368560E+06-2.2336080E+05 2.0366580E+06
-2.2404870E+05 2.0365370E+06-2.2430809E+05 2.0364700E+06
-2.2471830E+05 2.0362730E+06-2.2509841E+05 2.0361020E+06
-2.2533159E+05 2.0360050E+06-2.2550859E+05 2.0359040E+06

==> gmarg00.e00 <==
EXP  0 /LOCAL1/DATA/BSMAPS/ADD/CARTO/SCALE0/SR29_30/GMARG00.E00                 
ARC  2
         1     14760         5         6         0         0        27
-1.6392189E+04 2.0004290E+06-1.6628439E+04 1.9999090E+06
-1.7212189E+04 1.9985080E+06-1.8106189E+04 1.9967350E+06
-1.8737939E+04 1.9954520E+06-1.9004320E+04 1.9949060E+06
-1.9373689E+04 1.9941120E+06-1.9936689E+04 1.9929940E+06
-2.0752439E+04 1.9911300E+06-2.0954320E+04 1.9906920E+06
-2.1151939E+04 1.9903110E+06-2.2130939E+04 1.9881480E+06
-2.2939570E+04 1.9867650E+06-2.3381689E+04 1.9857510E+06

==> human00.e00 <==
EXP  0 /LOCAL1/DATA/BSMAPS/ADD/CARTO/SCALE0/SR29_30/HUMAN00.E00                 
LAB  2
        21         0-3.0446700E+05 2.0998723E+06
-3.0446700E+05 2.0998723E+06-3.0446700E+05 2.0998723E+06
        34         0-9.9186469E+04 2.0041411E+06
-9.9186469E+04 2.0041411E+06-9.9186469E+04 2.0041411E+06
        -1         0 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00
TOL  2
         1         2 2.0528053E+01
         2         2 0.0000000E+00

==> moran00.e00 <==
EXP  0 /LOCAL1/DATA/BSMAPS/ADD/CARTO/SCALE0/SR29_30/MORAN00.E00                 
ARC  2
         1     13164         1         1         2         1        14
-1.1199340E+05 1.9802780E+06-1.1202330E+05 1.9803510E+06
-1.1203330E+05 1.9804090E+06-1.1208930E+05 1.9805880E+06
-1.1211000E+05 1.9807150E+06-1.1215200E+05 1.9807760E+06
-1.1220560E+05 1.9808170E+06-1.1226360E+05 1.9808320E+06
-1.1229260E+05 1.9807860E+06-1.1232360E+05 1.9805800E+06
-1.1231580E+05 1.9804540E+06-1.1225750E+05 1.9803370E+06
-1.1214150E+05 1.9802110E+06-1.1199340E+05 1.9802780E+06

==> rock00.e00 <==
EXP  0 /LOCAL1/DATA/BSMAPS/ADD/CARTO/SCALE0/SR29_30/ROCK00.E00                  
ARC  2
         1     14698         1         1         2         1        12
-1.0508310E+05 2.0463910E+06-1.0510670E+05 2.0464490E+06
-1.0522360E+05 2.0465130E+06-1.0528050E+05 2.0465050E+06
-1.0531680E+05 2.0464590E+06-1.0532610E+05 2.0463770E+06
-1.0529270E+05 2.0463330E+06-1.0524690E+05 2.0462970E+06
-1.0518880E+05 2.0462680E+06-1.0512520E+05 2.0462700E+06
-1.0509520E+05 2.0463150E+06-1.0508310E+05 2.0463910E+06
         2     13083         2         2         3         1         7

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