Successful importing raster files from Idrisi4.0 for DOS
Houxiang Wang GEO Grad 96
wangh2 at
Thu Feb 5 11:46:39 EST 1998
To whom it may concern:
Weeks ago I post a message about importing idrisi image files to GRASS. I got
little response. After going thru the whole procedure with defferent idrisi
settings, I now have successfully imported the files to GRASS.
The trick of Idrisi is that the image file you are going to export must be
itself in Integer Ascii format, not byte packed binary. so we have to use
CONVERT function to convert the idrisi image file to integer ascii format, if
not already that. Then use Import/export to export this image file to GRASS in
ascii format. FTP this new file to your GRASS directory, run,
everything by now should work properly.
I think somebody may need this kind of informatin in future. So I post this to
the list. thanks,
> From wangh2 at Wed Jan 28 02:05:18 1998
> X-Authentication-Warning: listserv set sender to grass
using -f
> Date: Tue, 27 Jan 1998 21:43:03 -0500
> From: wangh2 at (Houxiang Wang GEO Grad 96)
> To: grass at
> Subject: importing raster files from Idrisi4.0 for DOS
> Mime-Version: 1.0
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> Content-MD5: j/EpKlRqCX+9rjbiwT9TDQ==
> Dear GRASS users:
> I am having troubles importing files from idrisi4 for DOS, and hereby securing
> helps from you. I posted the same request two weeks ago, but have not got many
> responses.
> 1. I exported idrisi4 files using ascii raster format. Then I edited the
> files (deleting the first two lines of projection and zone, so there are six
> lines in the header part). After ftp them to GRASS, I ran to
> get GRASS format raster files. Everything looked okay. However, when I tried
> display it using d.rast (and, it was blank--three or four non-sense
> colorful lines at the top, and elsewhere was just white. I checked the file
> under cellhd directory. It reads:
> proj: 1
> zone: 16
> north: 4386270
> south: 4351770
> east: 730110
> west: 686490
> cols: 1454
> rows: 1150
> e-w resol: 30
> n-s resol: 30
> format: 0
> compressed: 1
> Actually the file is of UTM 16, and it is within the current region. I am not
> sure of the last sentence above. Does it mean that the file is compressed so
> that GRASS could not process it correctly?
> 2. I also tried to export from idrisi using binary format, which produces two
> directories--cell and cellhd, each of which contains one file of the same
> In grass I then ran to get a color table for it. However, this time
> was even worse--I couldn't get the file done.
> I am stuck. Could someone give me some hints? Thanks a lot.
> Houxiang
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