grass prompt

Francois Delclaux francois.delclaux at
Fri Jul 10 12:39:28 EDT 1998

Dear grass users,
I'm working with several mapsets in the same database, and sometimes
I don't know what is the current mapset and the current search path.
It's quite easy to set the prompt to the current mapset in the
start up file, but after
the prompt is always the same, even if I work in another mapset.
A solution is to write a script wich modifies the prompt according to
current mapset and search path and to execute this script manualy.
But I would like to have an automaticaly updated prompt .
Does someone know a solution to this "critical" problem ?
(I work on Sun Workstation under solaris2.6)
Thanks !

PS  Great  thanks to poeple who organized the new 4.2 documentation (pdf
files), and who
translated  this one in html format.
DELCLAUX  Francois
ORSTOM Hydrologie
BP 5045    34032 Montpellier Cedex           FRANCE
mailto:Francois.Delclaux at
Tel : (33) (0)4-67-41-64-42     Fax : (33) (0)4-67-54-71-06

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