Monitor opening problems

Karine ZUERCHER zuercher at
Fri Jul 10 16:44:23 EDT 1998

Hy everyone!

First: THANXS to Markus, Angus and Michel for your help. I changed to 24bit
driver, and got some improvement. Yet the trouble isn't yet wholly solved...

So, here I'm again with my monitor problems. (definitly they make some

Here is what I get from the error message when starting monitor with d.mon:

>can not allocate any read/write color cells
>Please start graphics monitor <x0>.
>Error - Graphics monitor <x0> not running!
>Problem selecting x0. Will try once more

Now I'm working on a PC just normal and current what one finds on the
'public' market (nothing fancy and special). I have Redhat 5.0 and us the
GUI that comes along (XFREE or LESSTIF).
As much as I got, I use a 640x480 color monitor with a 800x600 virtual
resolution. Yet I don't know where to find the info about color resolution.

Here in case it is something of importance, what I get from among the
welcome message when starting tcltkgrass:

>window name "mb0" already exists in parent

Oh! And I put XDRIVER_24bit...

I hope someone knows where the bug lies.


PS: I'm also still a greenhorn in Grass and Linuy! Thomas, you aren't alone!

\  Karine ZUERCHER               zuercher at   /
/               University of Geneva                      \

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