Conversion of GTOPO30

Michel Wurtz - LTE mw at
Mon Jun 15 03:20:36 EDT 1998

Luis Franco wrote:
> Hi, grass comunity.
> I've manage to get a program to convert the GTOPO30 maps to grass raster
> ascii format and import them in grass (for version 4.0- I don't know if
> it works with any other...) but it's kind of slow (only one of the many
> files that comprises it took 3 hours on a Pentium II - 233 MHz...). I
> need to know something that any low-level programmer knows (not me...).
> What's the faster algorithm to exchange from Most Significant Byte first
> (MBR) of Motorola's processors to the PC format of saving binary
> numbers. We're talking of 57 Mb of 16-bit integer...

If the contents is *only* 16-bits integer (not mixed with
strings, 32-bits ints, etc...) use dd with option conv=swab :

    "dd if=<MBR_file> of=<Intel_bin_file> conv=swab"

You may also use dd as a filter.

BTW, I doubt that the binary conversion is slow, but I know that
binary/ascii conversion is slow :  why don't you write directly
a grass binary raster file ? you have just to swap bytes in the
original raster (result in cell directory) and create an ascii
header (in cellhd directory). let you create other
files automaticaly and choosing a color rendition...

Direct binary conversion took me only a few minuts on a 486DX33
(file was not GTOPO30, but a 22 Mb 16-bits compressed raster ...)
Michel Wurtz    ENGEES - Laboratoire Territoires & Environnement
                1, quai Koch - BP 1039, F-67070 STRASBOURG cedex
                Tel: +33  Fax: +33

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