Creating MASK from vect

Donald Newcomb newcomb at
Mon May 4 03:07:41 EDT 1998

My suggestion would be to go back to the vector file in v.digit. Add a
loop around your study area (either land or sea) and label that as a
polygon of type 1. Then convert the polygon vector file to raster. This
will produce a mask file that will have one value over water and another
over land.

Stephan Eickschen wrote:

> I would like to create a MASK using a shoreline which I have as a
> vector file (ascii or binary) imported to GRASS. Using
> results is a raster layer where everything is 0 but the shoreline,

Donald R. Newcomb              * newcomb at         
Naval Oceanographic Office     * newcombd at
Stennis Space Center, MS 39522 * Voice: (228) 688-5998
FAX: (228) 688-5485            * DSN: 485-5998

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