Year 2000

Bill Brown brown at
Fri May 15 12:25:09 EDT 1998

There's something in the old FAQ about this:

In addition, I ran across a potential problem in
where it looks like the date recorded might get truncated
because the diglib used date[20] in the dig_header, but the
G_date function is used to assign a value to this in
G_date returns a pointer to whatever your system returns in 
asctime(), which might be greater than 20 chars.  I'd 
suggest writing a G_date2 or something that gets a formatted
date with just 3_char_month, day, 4digit_year so it would always be
less than 20 chars.  Then use G_date2 to get the date for

That's the only program I saw like that - most vector programs 
seemed to use V_ask, like v.digit only asked for month & year.  But
if you've written vector programs, you might check this. 

- Bill

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