AGNPS question

Andreas Paukner-Ruzicka E.A.Ruzicka at
Fri Nov 6 02:53:01 EST 1998

Hello GRASS-Users !
I want to use the AGNPS-model interface from GRASS but I don't know which units
the k coefficient has (mm/d ?), which is needed to compute the amount of runoff.

Does anybody know ?

Many Thanks in advance !

Andreas Paukner-Ruzicka

G e o D a t a P l a n
Geoinformatics, IT-Consulting, GIS-aided planning
Andreas Paukner-Ruzicka, Gartenstr. 2, 
D-82380 Peissenberg, Germany
Tel: +49-08803-630317, Fax: +49-08803-630318
eMail: gdp.geoinformatik at

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