AGNPS question

Stephan Haverkamp Stephan.Haverkamp at
Mon Nov 9 03:04:07 EST 1998

On Fri, 6 Nov 1998, Andreas Paukner-Ruzicka wrote:

> Hello GRASS-Users !
> I want to use the AGNPS-model interface from GRASS but I don't know which units
> the k coefficient has (mm/d ?), which is needed to compute the amount of runoff.
> Does anybody know ?
> Many Thanks in advance !
> Andreas Paukner-Ruzicka
> *************************************************************
> G e o D a t a P l a n
> Geoinformatics, IT-Consulting, GIS-aided planning
> Andreas Paukner-Ruzicka, Gartenstr. 2, 
> D-82380 Peissenberg, Germany
> Tel: +49-08803-630317, Fax: +49-08803-630318
> eMail: gdp.geoinformatik at
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> *************************************************************

Dear Andreas,
I do not know about the special details of your GRASS-Interface, because 
for my diploma thesis I used a "self-made" interface for AGNPS vers. 4.03,
which also included the "K"-coefficient.

The equation used by AGNPS was:

                       3600* K-coeff.* RunoffVolAbove*DrainageAreaAbove
Time to peak top[sec]=-------------------------------------------------

In this equation the K-coeff. is without a unit and discribes the relation
of runoff volume between the time before and after peakflow discharge. The
K-coeff. is developed by the SCS and the default value is 484, which
discribes a unit hydrograph  that has 3/8 of its area prior to peakflow.  

Best wishes,

Stephan Haverkamp
Institut für Landeskultur          
Senckenbergstr. 3                    priv.: Grabenstr. 14
D-35390 Giessen                             35396 Giessen
Tel.: 0641/99 37384                         Tel.: 0641/54470
Fax.: 0641/99 37389
e-mail: Stephan.Haverkamp at

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