Basic NMEA Sentence formats (was: GPS input and GRASS)
Clifton Wood
cbwood at
Tue Oct 6 18:52:44 EDT 1998
Jill and Venkatesh:
The NMEA 0183 data format varies from GPS unit to GPS unit since most
manufacturers like to insert their own proprietary extensions to the
format, but here are a few of the standard message sentences which
should be available on most units that claim NMEA complaince:
"<>" denotes Carriage Return & Line-Feed pair.
__GGA = Global Positioning Fix Data
__GGA,,ddmm.mmmm,n,dddmm.mmmm,e,q,ss,y.y,a.a,z,g.g,z,t.t,iiii*CC<> = UTC of position fix
hh = hours (00-24)
mm = minutes (00-59) = seconds (00.00-59.99)
ddmm.mmmm,n = latitude
dd = degrees (00-90)
mm.mmmm = minutes (00.0000-59.9999)
n = direction - N - North; S - South
dddmm.mmmm,E = longitude
ddd - degrees (000-180)
mm.mmmm - minutes (00.0000-59.9999)
e = direction - E - East; W - West
q = GPS quality indicator
0 - GPS not available
1 - GPS available
2 - GPS differential fix
ss = number of satellites used (0-12)
y.y = HDOP
a.a,z = antenna height
a.a = height
z = units M - Meters
g.g,z = Geodial Separation
g.g = height
z - units M - Meters
t.t = Age of differential data
iiii = differential ref. station ID (0000-1023)
CC = checksum (hex 00-7F)
__CSA = Geographic Position - GPS DOP and Active sattelites
a - sat acquisition mode M - Manual
A - Automatic
b - pos mode 1 = fix not avail
2 = 2D
3 = 3D
cc,dd,ee,ff,gg,hh,ii,jj,kk,mm,nn,oo sat ids used in solution
(null for unused fields)
p.p = PDOP (1.0-9.9)
q.q = HDOP "
r.r = VDOP "
CC = checksum (hex 00-7F)
__RMC = Recommended Minimum Specific GPS
__RMC,,a,ddmm.mmmm,n,dddmm.mmmm,w,z.z,y.y,ddmmyy,d.d,v*CC<> = UTC of position fix (see GGA)
a = status A - valid
i - invalid
ddmm.mmmm,n - Latitude (see GGA)
dddmm.mmmm,e - Longitude (see GGA)
z.z = Speed over ground (knots)
y.y = track made good (0.0-359.9; reference to true north)
ddmmyy = UTC date of position fix
dd = day (01-31)
mm = month (01-12)
yy = year (00-99)
d.d = magnetic variation (0.0-180.0; degrees)
v = variation sense E - East
W - West
CC = checksum (hex 00-7F)
__GSV = GPS Satellites in View
t = Total number of messages (1-3)
m = message number (1-3)
n = total number of satellites in view
For each visible satellite, 4 groups per message
ii = satellite PRN number
ee = elevation (0-90; degrees)
aaa = asimuth (0-359; degrees true)
ss = signal to noise ratio (0-99; dB)
CC = checksum (hex 00-7F)
Not all GPS units that claim NMEA compliance will support ALL of these
formats except
for GGA (which is universal, I think...)
Good luck!
- Cliff
PS - I don't know how up to date this is, but since I can't find info on
the format fro NMEA's own pages (, this is the best
I can do for the moment.
Clifton B. Wood
Programmer/Analyst for the Entomology Dept. of Va. Tech.
------------------ Thought of the Decade -------------------
windows98 = n. 64 patches to 32 bit extensions and a graphical
shell for a 16 bit patch to an 8 bit operating system originally
coded for a 4 bit microprocessor, written by a 2 bit company
that can't stand 1 bit of competition.
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