
Maffulli s_maffulli at CESIT1.UNIFI.IT
Thu Sep 10 10:16:43 EDT 1998

Hi eveerybody there,
i'm a newbie to grass and just a little bit more experienced in Linux.  My
problem is that I have installed Linux RedHat 5.1 and (just like the
previous release) it doesn't come with the libs in the subject.  It comes
with and but nothing more that that.  I read
the installation instructions from Markus that says that libelf can be used
as well, but I don't know how.  I have those libraries installed too.  I am
using grass4.21_bin10 and I have no experience in compiling stuff.  I guess
the easiest thing would be to download the libcurses package already
compiled and ready to go.  Does it exist somewhere?  Or would any nice guy
there send it to me?  I've been struggling with these problem for 2 weeks
now, reading all the docs, so please any help will be highly appreciated.

         °      °
          \    /
           \  /
|                      | |
|   Stefano Maffulli   |°|
|    Cultural Asset    |°|
|      Management      |°|
| piazza Puliti 14     |°|
| 50121 Firenze        |°|
| Tel. +39 055.670.849 |°|

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