R: libcurses.so.1 !?! Wooohps!

Maffulli s_maffulli at CESIT1.UNIFI.IT
Fri Sep 11 03:33:36 EDT 1998

Hi there,
i am REALLY sorry for this faq.  I resolved the problem, that was generated
by the fact that lately I have been disconnected from the net for system
upgrade.  I looked at the faq at the grass site and found the pretty simple
Thank to everybody and excuse me again

         °      °
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|                      | |
|   Stefano Maffulli   |°|
|    Cultural Asset    |°|
|      Management      |°|
| piazza Puliti 14     |°|
| 50121 Firenze        |°|
| Tel. +39 55 670.849  |°|

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