Conversion of lat-Lon rasters to UTM

Bruce Nielsen bnielsen at
Thu Sep 17 09:14:26 EDT 1998

Terry Duell wrote:
> Ladies and Gentlemen,
> I hope someone can help me.
> I have some raster (cell) data files in a lat-lon projection, and would
> like to extract relevant sections and convert to UTM and save into an
> appropriate UTM mapset.
> The problem is that I can't remember how to do this (or even if I have
> been able to do so in the past...age has its difficulties!), nor can I
> find any GRASS commands which seem to fit the bill.
> Any help or advice will be gratefully appreciated.
> Cheers,
> --
> Terry Duell, Senior Mobility Engineer
> Army Technology & Engineering Agency
> Maribyrnong, Victoria, Australia
> ph:61-3-93195837 fax:61-3-93195830

The only method I can think of is to convert the raster to a vector
using r.poly, then use v.proj to do the projection converstion to UTM. 
Before using v.proj, however, be sure you have a DATUM_INFO file in the
PERMANENT mapsets of both locations.  Here's the contents of DATUM_INFO
for the clarke66 spheroid in the continental US:
	datum: nad27
	region: conus

You will have to change these values appropriately.  Then convert your
vector back to raster using

Method 2:  I remember some talk about a command r.proj a couple years
ago, but I don't know if it was ever done.  I believe Dr. Simon Cox,
also from Australia, was working on it.  Any other old-timers remember

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