Grass4.2.1 on MkLinux

Stevan Bullard sbullard at
Mon Sep 28 10:28:28 EDT 1998

The good news is : Yes Grass will compile under Mklinux.
The bad news : I'm not entirely sure how I did it. :-)
I think all of the problems I had with the Grass code have been fixed by
about version 15. version 18 compiled except for a couple of modules.
r.binfer was one and I can remember the other.
Most of the problems seemed to be on the Mklinux side.  The Grass code is a
mix of traditional C and ansi C and the compiler from DR2.1 had a lot of
problems with it I finally got a workable system with a combination of
DR.21 and about 1/3 of the code from pre-DR3. If you're running DR3 you may
not have the same problems I did BUT DR3 changed compilers from gcc to egcs
so I can't say for sure.
One key is in the file /../src421/src/CMD/head/your file  ( this is a file
you create from a gereric model to instruct the compiler)  the line
COMPILE_FLAGS =   should read

COMPILE_FLAGS= -02 -mcpu=powerpc -fsigned-char

-02 sets the level of optimization and isn't so important
-mcpu=powerpc tells the compiler to write code for the powermac and is necessary
-fsigned-char  fixes a bug in Mklinux

Good luck, if you have problems email me or post the the list and I'll look
through my notes and see if I had the same problem and found a solution.

At 3:09 PM 9/24/98, Christian Kernbach wrote:
>as I remember there was a discussion about compiling grass on MkLinux some
>month ago. Unfortunately I lost these mails due to a hard disk failure. So
>my questions are: did someone successful compiled grass on MkLinux and if
>so how you did it?
>Thanks in advance,
>Christian Kernbach         e-mail:  kerniebc at sp.zrz.TU-Berlin.DE
>Gruenberger Str.22
>10243 Berlin

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