s.in.asci - Porblem ?

Michael Schulz schulzm at perm.geologie.uni-freiburg.de
Thu Apr 1 03:11:02 EST 1999

Hi !

Obviously, we are experiencing some problems when trying to import a ASCII
XYZ-file into GRASS-Site-file (with GRASS 5).

The ASCII-file has the format:

    easting northing #z-value  (field sep: space)

After running s.in.ascii (with dimensions = 3 ) we get the following
format of the SITE-file:


When we import the ASCII-file without the '#' in front of the z-value,
s.in.ascii reads the third row (but then it does not use the thrid row as
a category value).

Thanks for help.


Michael Schulz

Christoph-Mang-Str.5       Geologisches Institut
79100 Freiburg             Universitaet Freiburg 
                           Albertstr. 23b
                           79104 Freiburg  

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