GRASS 4.2 for Linux: can't access binary

derick at derick at
Thu Apr 8 12:09:00 EDT 1999

Hi All,

I recently downlaoded and installed the GRASS 4.2 binaries for Linux.
I'm running Red Hat 5.2
on a SPARC Classic.  I followed all of the instructions and anxiously
typed grass4.2.
Instaed of starting GRASS I received the following error message:

[dan at moose dan]$ grass4.2
/data/grass42/etc/ /data/grass42/etc/lock: cannot execute binary
Unable to properly access /home/dan/.gislock
Please notify system personel.
[dan at moose dan]$

The same message comes up when I am logged in as root.

I checked the archives of this list and noticed that some others had the
same problem.
(do a search of the archives with .gislock)
They fixed there problem by changing the permissons on the home
directory.  I checked
my file permissions and they were correct.  I also made sure that the
file .gislock did
not exist.

Thanks in advance for any and all responses.


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