GRASS>How to undelete vector lines?

Brian Culpepper brian at
Fri Jan 22 10:03:08 EST 1999

	To undelete lines (or areas) that have been deleted but NOT
v.clean(ed), do the following:

cd $LOCATION/dig_att
vi TheVectorFile.InQuestion
(replace all of the lower case characters (either a's or l's) along
the left margin with the UPPER case equivalent... (eg. A or L)..  The
global replace option in VI works great for this...

 If memory serves me thats all you need to do..... ;)

Have a good day,

brian culpepper

On Fri, 22 Jan 1999, Markus Neteler wrote:

> Hi all,
> when deleting vectors in v.digit, they are just marked as deleted
> (following the v.clean manual entry). v.clean would throw them
> away later. But if I decide that I need them back, how to *undelete*
> the vector lines? I could not find such an entry in v.digit etc.
> Thank you
>   Markus Neteler

R. Brian Culpepper                                     GIS Specialist
Center for Advanced Spatial Technologies           (fax) 501 575-5218
Rm. 12 Ozark Hall                                        501 575-6159
University of Arkansas                            brian at
Fayetteville, AR 72701           Home Page:

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