New (GRASS modules access problem)

Jan Nicolai Langfeldt j.n.langfeldt at
Wed Jan 27 03:44:28 EST 1999

      - /usr/local/grass4x/locks must get rwx permissions (read,write,execute,
	change with chmod ugo+rwx locks/) for everybody (I think there is no 
	security problem as standard /tmp has same permissions)

I think you will find that you left out the t found in the very last
column of the permissions in /tmp directories:

  drwxrwxrwt  17 root     root         4096 Jan 27 09:31 /tmp/

These are the recomended permissions for a 'world' accessable

  chmod 1777 /tmp 


  chmod 1777 locks

as the case may be, is probably the easiest way to ensure that exactly
the correct bits are set on such a directory.


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