Using GRASS commands form unix prompt

Luis F. Franco luis.franco at
Wed Jan 27 05:26:02 EST 1999

What I usually do in my scripts is to have the environment set when I
run and, with a few exceptions (when the script is recursive and needs a
new shell for each run), I can logoff and the script will end by itself.

Hope that helps

Luís Franco

-----Original Message-----
From: Conn Copas [mailto:conn.copas at]
Sent: Quarta-feira, 27 de Janeiro de 1999 5:46
To: grass at
Subject: Re: Using GRASS commands form unix prompt

"Justin Hickey" <jhickey at> writes:

> > Is there a way of setting up GRASS so that I can use the GRASS
> > directly from the UNIX prompt. I faintly recall that there was some
> > suggestion for doing this sometime on this ML but I am unable to
locate the
> > answer now.
> Why can't you use the standard grass commnad line interface (running
> grass4.2.1)?

Possibly because it is desired to issue Grass calls from within a
rather than interactively. There has been previous discussion on setting

environment vars so that these calls may be issued, but parsing the
remains as a sometimes tricky problem.

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