v.support problem

Thomas Wilke wilke at ifk.uni-hannover.de
Wed Jan 27 08:28:12 EST 1999

Dear GRASS users

after importing Arc-Ungenerate-Files as polygons into GRASS with
v.in.arc I try
to build the topology of the polygons with v.support. Most of the
polygons are build correctly but for a small number I get a message like

PNT_TO_AREA failed: (3574062.500000, 5717337.500000) (Category 19000)

What is the reason for this message? And is there a solution for this



Dipl.-Ing. THOMAS WILKE     
University of Hannover - Institute of Cartography
Appelstrasse 9 A - 30167 Hannover - Germany 
Telephone:     +49-511-762-5285
Fax:           +49-511-762-2780   
mailto:wilke at ifk.uni-hannover.de

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