v.to.rast:error G_set_window()

Agustin Lobo alobo at ija.csic.es
Thu Jul 8 08:43:54 EDT 1999

Dear grass developpers:

When running v.to.rast using grass5.0beta, I've found
that if the resulting raster needs more than
one single processing pass, the result is wrong.
The program outputs a warning:

WARNING: Calling G_set_window() in the middle of
writing map vgeugoode

and then the result is either misslocated or blank.

I reproduce an example:

alobo at silvestre:~/grass/gr_P8/user1/cell > g.region -p
projection: 0 (x,y)
zone:       0
north:      5325500
south:      3285500
east:       4360500
west:       -255500
nsres:      1000
ewres:      1000
rows:       2040
cols:       4616

alobo at silvestre:~/grass/gr_P8/user1/cell > v.to.rast in=vgeugoode.v 
Loading vector information ...                  0 mins 00 secs
Sorting areas by size ... 4159 areas            0 mins 01 sec 
Pass #1 (of 4)
  Processing areas ... 4159 areas               0 mins 04 secs
  Processing lines ... 0 lines                  0 mins 00 secs
  Processing sites ... 0 sites                  0 mins 00 secs
  Writing raster map ...WARNING: Calling G_set_window() in the middle of 
writing map vgeugoode
                        0 mins 09 secs
Pass #2 (of 4)
  Processing areas ... 4159 areas               0 mins 03 secs
  Writing raster map ...WARNING: Calling G_set_window() in the middle of 
writing map vgeugoode
                        0 mins 08 secs
Pass #3 (of 4)
  Processing areas ... 4159 areas               0 mins 03 secs
  Writing raster map ...WARNING: Calling G_set_window() in the middle of 
writing map vgeugoode
                        0 mins 09 secs
Pass #4 (of 4)
  Processing areas ... 4159 areas               0 mins 02 secs
  Writing raster map ...                        0 mins 03 secs
Creating support files for raster map ...       0 mins 15 secs

Raster map <vgeugoode> done.
Total processing time:         0 mins 57 secs

If I use an smaller region, the result is correct:

alobo at silvestre:~/grass/gr_P8/user1/cell > g.region -p
projection: 0 (x,y)
zone:       0
north:      5325500
south:      3285500
east:       4360500
west:       -255500
nsres:      8000
ewres:      8000
rows:       255
cols:       577

alobo at silvestre:~/grass/gr_P8/user1/cell > v.to.rast in=vgeugoode.v out=vgeugoode
Loading vector information ...                  0 mins 00 secs
Sorting areas by size ... 4159 areas            0 mins 01 sec 
Processing areas ... 4159 areas                 0 mins 03 secs
Processing lines ... 0 lines                    0 mins 00 secs
Processing sites ... 0 sites                    0 mins 00 secs
Writing raster map ...                          0 mins 00 secs
Creating support files for raster map ...       0 mins 13 secs

Raster map <vgeugoode> done.
Total processing time:         0 mins 17 secs


Dr. Agustin Lobo
Instituto de Ciencias de la Tierra (CSIC)
Lluis Sole Sabaris s/n
08028 Barcelona SPAIN
tel 34 93409 5410
fax 34 93411 0012
alobo at ija.csic.es

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