Graphics Monitor Problem

James Curry jcurry at
Tue Jul 20 13:07:44 EDT 1999

I just downloaded and installed the grass binary for Solaris on my
Sparc 5 and get the following error when I try to start a monitor. Can
someone tell me what the
trouble is?


GRASS-GRID > d.mon start=x0
X Error of failed request:  BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes)
  Major opcode of failed request:  78 (X_CreateColormap)
  Serial number of failed request:  269
  Current serial number in output stream:  270
Please start graphics monitor <x0>.
Error - Graphics monitor <x0> not running!
Problem selecting x0. Will try once more
Please start graphics monitor <x0>.
Error - Graphics monitor <x0> not running!

jcurry at    | James Curry
925.423.1106 voice | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
925.423.6775 fax   | P.O Box 808, MS:L-183
                   | Livermore, California  94550

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