Setting up location w/ special projection

egm2 at egm2 at
Sat Jul 31 18:44:31 EDT 1999

I'm having a little trouble translating the following projection info
from Arc/Info, into a grass location.

Teale Albers projection parameters:

projection albers
units meters
1st Standard Parallel:     34 00 00
2nd Standard Parallel:     40 30 00
Central Meridian:        -120 00 00
Latitude of origin:        00 00 00
False easting (meters):           0
False northing (meters):   -4000000
Datum:                        NAD27
Spheroid:               Clarke 1866

My questions are:
1) What does grass mean by Central Parallel?  I guessed at giving the
difference between the 1st and 2nd parallels. But...

2) How would I set the latitude of origin as the equator?

3) How do I set a false northing?

4) There doesn't seem to be anywhere to set the datum.  Is NAD27
assumed under aea?

Thank you all, especially those who helped me with compilation problems.

Eric G. Miller
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