Announce: GRASS 4.2.1 (V.22final) under GPL

Markus Neteler neteler at
Thu Nov 4 14:37:00 EST 1999

Dear GRASS-Community,

fine that the list is up again! So a second try...

To complete the updating to GPL the final GRASS 4.2.1 (V.22) 
is on

available under GNU General Public License. This is
definitely the final release of 4.2.1-"stable"-product line. 
The GRASS Development team works of GRASS 4.3 (which shall
be cleaned up etc), meanwhile some bugfixes and improvements
shall be accessible for the community.

This GRASS 4.2.1 (final) contains

 - TclTkGRASS 2.9 (better monitor handling, tells
     "location name" in menu bar etc.) [Jacques Bouchard]
 - the new full 24bit XDRIVER  [Roberto Flor]
 - cursor key support in menues [Jacques Bouchard, me]
       - RETURN cycles through the input lines (as usual)
       - cursor keys left and right are working (new)
       - cursor keys up and down are working (new)
       - ESC-RETURN  take you out of the screen (modified)
   This may be known from GRASS 5
 - removed question dialog "mapset removing" when leaving GRASS
   This is too dangerous for newcomers, mapset removing in TclTkGRASS
 - added GRASS-prompt support for bash shell
 - bugfix for r.water.outlet [Michel Wurtz]
 - bugfix for [Agus Carr]

You can get the full sources or precompiled Linux/Intel binaries
and SUN Solaris binaries (volunteers for SGI/Irix?)

Unfortunately the Baylor server still contains the outdated 4.2(.0)
from 1998, sorry for any inconvenience.

>From here the GRASS 4.2.1 shall not be supported any more, all
knowledge will be used to improve GRASS 5.0. If you like to join the
developers team on GRASS 5 development, don't hesitate to contact us at

  grass at

or me.

 Kind regards

   Markus Neteler
   GRASS Development Team

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