River data wanted

MBB at aracruz.com.br MBB at aracruz.com.br
Fri Nov 5 14:28:18 EST 1999

try find the information you need at

They publish some data you can download.


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>From :    bob at math.umn.edu  on 05/11/99 14:14:30

Please respond to grass at cecer.army.mil

To:   grass at cecer.army.mil (GRASS GIS)
cc:    (bcc: Marcus Badu de Brito e Silva/ARCEL)

Subject:  River data wanted


I'm looking for a "rivers of the world" scale data set, something for
students to use, i.e. low-resolution is fine.  Are there any free
on-line sources?

C.S. Cornuelle
School of Mathematics/MCIM, University of Minnesota
206 Church St. SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455
(612) 626-8930v, (612) 624-2333f, bob at math.umn.edu
Ferventer Vestite

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