Announce: new GRASS 5 beta4 on Tuesday, 26. October
Markus Neteler
neteler at
Sat Oct 23 12:05:16 EDT 1999
Dear GRASS-Community,
on Tuesday, 26th October, we plan to publish the
GRASS 5 beta4 release in source code and selected
binaries at:
(and the mirrors soon).
Features of the new version are:
(aka "what's new in GRASS 5.0 beta4 against beta3")
- Lots of bugfixes over 5.0beta3: e.g. fixed "empty text screen" problem,
futher improved source code structure, new debug routine G_dump, added
missing return statements...
- 121 projections supported now!
- use m.proj like a "coordinate calculator" for all 121 projections
- fixed: d.area, d.sites.qual, d.vect.cats
- updated: g.setproj, m.proj, both support the 121 projections
- fixed: r.colors, r.digit, r.flow, r.resamp.rst,,
r.slope.aspect, r.contour,, r.statistics
- fixed: i.rectify
- fixed instable sites format (concerns all site modules)
- fixed:
- added several sites modules: s.normal, s.perturb, s.qcount, s.probplt,
s.rand, s.sample,, s.univar, s.kcv
- fixed: general bug for all vector modules,
- updated: category text labels support now
- v.digspline renamed to v.digit, removed old v.digit
- added several vector modules from GRASS 4.2.1: v.random,
v.extract, v.merge, v.autocorr,, v.export, v.geom
- NVIZ2.2 - fixed: map selection problem,
- "image dump" writes "xv" readable files now
Still to do: - update to 4.1.3HDFlib, correct
- detect further bugs (please report them! or fix...)
- get vector format 64bit compliant (needs further input)
Main authors of *improvements* in this GRASS 5beta4 (alphabetically):
Bill Brown, Jacques Bouchard, Morten Hulden, Jaro Hofierka,
Helena Mitasova, Markus Neteler, Luca Palmeri
(hope I didn't miss anybody, find details in HISTORY.txt)
The updated GRASS 5 manual pages in PDF format shall be released
soon as well through Baylor.
Best regards
Markus Neteler
GRASS Development Team
Supported projections in GRASS 5 beta4:
ll -- Lat/Lon
utm -- Universe Transverse Mercator
stp -- State Plane
aea -- Albers Equal Area
lcc -- Lambert Conformal Conic
merc -- Mercator
tmerc -- Transverse Mercator
leac -- Lambert Equal Area Conic
laea -- Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area
aeqd -- Azimuthal Equidistant
airy -- Airy
aitoff -- Aitoff
alsk -- Mod. Stererographics of Alaska
apian -- Apian Globular I
august -- August Epicycloidal
bacon -- Bacon Globular
bipc -- Bipolar conic of western hemisphere
boggs -- Boggs Eumorphic
bonne -- Bonne (Werner lat_1=90)
cass -- Cassini
cc -- Central Cylindrical
cea -- Equal Area Cylindrical
chamb -- Chamberlin Trimetric
collg -- Collignon
crast -- Craster Parabolic (Putnins P4)
denoy -- Denoyer Semi-Elliptical
eck1 -- Eckert I
eck2 -- Eckert II
eck3 -- Eckert III
eck4 -- Eckert IV
eck5 -- Eckert V
eck6 -- Eckert VI
eqc -- Equidistant Cylindrical (Plate Caree)
eqdc -- Equidistant Conic
euler -- Euler
fahey -- Fahey
fouc -- Foucaut
fouc_s -- Foucaut Sinusoidal
gall -- Gall (Gall Stereographic)
gins8 -- Ginsburg VIII (TsNIIGAiK)
gn_sinu -- General Sinusoidal Series
gnom -- Gnomonic
goode -- Goode Homolosine
gs48 -- Mod. Stererographics of 48 U.S.
gs50 -- Mod. Stererographics of 50 U.S.
hammer -- Hammer & Eckert-Greifendorff
hatano -- Hatano Asymmetrical Equal Area
imw_p -- International Map of the World Polyconic
kav5 -- Kavraisky V
kav7 -- Kavraisky VII
labrd -- Laborde
lagrng -- Lagrange
larr -- Larrivee
lask -- Laskowski
lee_os -- Lee Oblated Stereographic
loxim -- Loximuthal
lsat -- Space oblique for LANDSAT
mbt_s -- McBryde-Thomas Flat-Polar Sine (No. 1)
mbt_fps -- McBryde-Thomas Flat-Pole Sine (No. 2)
mbtfpp -- McBride-Thomas Flat-Polar Parabolic
mbtfpq -- McBryde-Thomas Flat-Polar Quartic
mbtfps -- McBryde-Thomas Flat-Polar Sinusoidal
mil_os -- Miller Oblated Stereographic
mill -- Miller Cylindrical
mpoly -- Modified Polyconic
moll -- Mollweide
murd1 -- Murdoch I
murd2 -- Murdoch II
murd3 -- Murdoch III
nell -- Nell
nell_h -- Nell-Hammer
nicol -- Nicolosi Globular
nsper -- Near-sided perspective
nzmg -- New Zealand Map Grid
ob_tran -- General Oblique Transformation
ocea -- Oblique Cylindrical Equal Area
oea -- Oblated Equal Area
omerc -- Oblique Mercator
ortel -- Ortelius Oval
ortho -- Orthographic
pconic -- Perspective Conic
poly -- Polyconic (American)
putp1 -- Putnins P1
putp2 -- Putnins P2
putp3 -- Putnins P3
putp3p -- Putnins P3'
putp4p -- Putnins P4'
putp5 -- Putnins P5
putp5p -- Putnins P5'
putp6 -- Putnins P6
putp6p -- Putnins P6'
qua_aut -- Quartic Authalic
robin -- Robinson
rpoly -- Rectangular Polyconic
sinu -- Sinusoidal (Sanson-Flamsteed)
somerc -- Swiss. Obl. Mercator
stere -- Stereographic
tcc -- Transverse Central Cylindrical
tcea -- Transverse Cylindrical Equal Area
tissot -- Tissot
tpeqd -- Two Point Equidistant
tpers -- Tilted perspective
ups -- Universal Polar Stereographic
urm5 -- Urmaev V
urmfps -- Urmaev Flat-Polar Sinusoidal
vandg -- van der Grinten (I)
vandg2 -- van der Grinten II
vandg3 -- van der Grinten III
vandg4 -- van der Grinten IV
vitk1 -- Vitkovsky I
wag1 -- Wagner I (Kavraisky VI)
wag2 -- Wagner II
wag3 -- Wagner III
wag4 -- Wagner IV
wag5 -- Wagner V
wag6 -- Wagner VI
wag7 -- Wagner VII
weren -- Werenskiold I
wink1 -- Winkel I
wink2 -- Winkel II
wintri -- Winkel Tripel
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