Identification of flooded areas

Bruce Byars Bruce_Byars at
Wed Oct 27 09:06:31 EDT 1999


GRASS has numerous tools that will pertform the tasks you mention,
and there are several ways to utilize them.  Simple methods range from
using a modified r.reclass to more complex methods using hydrologic
models such as HEC or SWAT then feeding the output into GRASS.
There is also a suite of tools (f-tools) for flood analysis that uses the old
HEC-2 model to plot surface water profiles.  Several years ago when I
worked for Blackland Research Center on SWAT dev., we came up
with a relatively simple script for plotting surface water profiles using the
GRASS modules r.mapcalc, r.reclass, and r.watershed.  I think I may
still have it on a tar tape if you're interested I can look for it.  One issue
that I do remember was it was necessary to resample our dem's down
to a smaller grid resolution to produce a map that looked reasonable.

Let me know if this helps or you need anything else.


Trond Rinde wrote:

> Hello!
> Is there a GRASS tool that can identify flooded areas on basis of a DEM and
> water stages at different points along a river course (where the water
> surfaces between points are inclined)?
> Thank you in advance!
> Trond Rinde
> --
> Trond Rinde
> Research Scientist (Doctor Engineer)
> SINTEF - Bygg og miljøteknikk           tel:    +47 73 59 24 11
> Hydrologi og vassdrag                   fax:    +47 73 59 02 01
> Klæbuveien 153                          email: trond.rinde at
> N-7465 Trondheim                                url:

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