More problems building grass5.0beta3 on IRIX :-(

Terry Duell terry.duell at
Wed Sep 22 23:17:48 EDT 1999

Good afternoon all,
I am still having a few problems getting Grass5.0beta3 to build properly
on an SGIx with Irix6.5.2.
Some of the problems are unexpected.
I cannot get NVIZ, or SG3d (either the CERL or the GMSL versions) to
build. The errors I am getting are listed in the attached text file.
Whilst I can get Grass5 to run, I cannot start an graphics window (X
driver) from the Tcltk Gui, and have only had success by starting it at
the command line, then starting Tcltkgrass. After that the Gui commands
seem to control the window OK and it can be shut down from the gui.
Another mystery is the use of XDRIVER24. Whilst I think this was built,
there is nothing that shows that it is working. Should I expect to have
to do anything other than ensure xo, x1 etc are connected to fifos. I
certainly cannot see anything in the displays thus far which would
indicate we have progressed very far.
If there are Grass5 users out there who have built beta3 on an SGI box,
preferably with Irix 6.5.x, and have all these things sorted out, please
let me know.


Terry Duell, Senior Mobility Engineer
Army Engineering Agency
Maribyrnong, Victoria, Australia
ph:61-3-93195837 fax:61-3-93195830

-------------- next part --------------
Error whilst trying to make NVIZ2.2 (~/grass5.0beta/src.contrib/GMSL/NVIZ2.2)

"Gs.c", line 682: error(1164): argument of type "float *" is incompatible with
          parameter of type "DCELL *"
        G_lookup_f_raster_colors (fcur, r, g, b, set, cols, &colrules);

Errors when trying to make SG3d (~/grass5.0beta/src.contrib/GMSL/SG3d)

"/usr/include/stdlib.h", line 154: error(1143): declaration is incompatible
          with "char *malloc()" (declared at line 381 of "externs.h")
  extern void *malloc(size_t);
1 error detected in the compilation of "sites.c".
*** Error code 2 (bu21)
Error when trying to make SG3d

"newelev.c", line 120: error(1164): argument of type "char *" is incompatible
          with parameter of type "int"

1 error detected in the compilation of "newelev.c".
*** Error code 2 (bu21)

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