fuzzy in grass

Francois Delclaux francois.delclaux at msem.univ-montp2.fr
Tue Aug 8 07:18:17 EDT 2000

Grass users,

Few days ago, I sent a reply to Dieter Lehmann who asked for integration
of fuzzy theory in Grass. Due to technical problems, I could not answer
on grasslist, but now , it's OK. So my response was the following :

 I'm presently working on a project for integrating fuzzy rule modeling in
 grass. This work is based on 3 commands :

- r.fuz.set : fuzzification a raster map, ie linking  a raster map with a fuzzy
variables (sets) file

- r.fuz.map :  getting some basic fuzzy information from a fuzzy map :
membership value map, ...

- r.fuz.rule : fuzzy rules inference modeling between several raster maps, ie
solving some
   qualitative problems such as : IF elevation is low ans slope is medium THEN
yield is high

  A student is working on the project for integrating algorithms in grass
 (grass 4.2 on Linux RedHat 6.2) . The 2 first commands are OK, and the
 third one is under development and will be finished at the end of
 september (I hope !!!). And after, tests on other systems (Solaris),
documentation (in english)...

The choice for grass4.2 is due to historical reasons (the project began 2 years
but I think it's not too hard to update towards grass5.

Yours sincerly

UMR HydroSciences Montpellier
BP 5045    34032 Montpellier Cedex           FRANCE
mailto: delclaux at msem.univ-montp2.fr
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