[GRASSLIST:1272] TCL script "gis_gen.tcl" problem

Yann Le Jeune zarkam at lycos.com
Thu Dec 14 09:54:40 EST 2000

I am back on my grass desk after one year.
I have installl grass5beta10 and i received the same error message, remarked on the mailing list.
I applied the two corrections (line 706):
 remove "-nocase" and the "#" solution.
In payment of my work, i only have a tcl window (empty) with the 
script label(after running "grass5"). If someone can help me... I 
am not yet very good with that kind of unix-style corrections...

Yann Le Jeune
Laboratoire de Paleoenvironnement
Mission Archeologie
Conseil general de Seine-Saint-Denis
1 a 5 route de St Leu
93800 Epinay-sur-Seine

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