[GRASSLIST:1291] Re: errors grass5beta10

Justin Hickey jhickey at hpcc.nectec.or.th
Sun Dec 17 23:53:46 EST 2000

Hi Rob
Markus Neteler wrote:
> > 3. In the tcl window how exactly do you specify a new dataset? Is 
> > the location one directory above PERMANENT?
> The gui startup is searching for PERMANENT directory. If found, the 
> parent directory is taken into the list of locations which are
> displayed then. If the PERMANENT is missing for any reason, the
> location won't be detected by the *graphical* startup. Since now we
> thought it would be the easiest way to detect a location...

Just to add to Markus' post. First of all, GRASS data directories should
appear as follows:


So, the database directory should only contain locations and locations
should only contain mapsets.

The reason why locations do not appear if there is no PERMANENT mapset
is due to the GRASS requirement that every location needs a PERMANENT
mapset. Thus, it is the easiest way to detect locations. Note that to
use the graphical startup dialog box, all the directories must exist
beforehand. GRASS 5.1 will have a better graphical interface for
selecting and creating mapsets. Included will be help messages when
things are not setup properly.

Hope this helps.


Jazzman (a.k.a. Justin Hickey)  e-mail: jhickey at hpcc.nectec.or.th
High Performance Computing Center
National Electronics and Computer Technology Center (NECTEC)
Bangkok, Thailand
People who think they know everything are very irritating to those
of us who do.  ---Anonymous

Jazz and Trek Rule!!!

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